My Story: The Journey to Blogging Success.

My name is Nwaeze David and this is my blog. is a B2B media company specializing in acquiring targeted traffic for the world’s largest software companies. Interested in being featured here? Contact Us.

I started this blog as a side project back in 2018 and now it’s grown into a full-time blogging business. 

I regularly teach thousands of monthly readers and blogging students how to start profitable blogs (subscribe to my new YouTube channel). is also growing to become one of the world’s top software review sites, specializing in acquiring targeted traffic for the world’s largest software companies. With a 10-year career in digital marketing, my team and I have used almost every software tool under the sun.

I am one of the top personal brands in the software world today. However, it was a long road to get where I am today.

Throughout my life, I always tried to start online businesses, but perfectionism and self-doubt made me quit every time.

Nwaeze David

How It All Started:

During my first year in college, I attended an entrepreneurship class that was organized by the student union government of my school then; The majority of what was thought there was how to start a blog. I immediately took interest in blogging and even though I had no laptop, no money, and definitely no experience; it didn’t stop me from jumping right in. 

I started with Google Blogspot and to be honest, I had no idea what I was doing, just that I wanted to learn how things are been done and I was willing to learn by any means necessary. Because I had no laptop nor access to a computer at that time, I had the use my Samsung phone to blog. 

To be honest, it was not easy to be blogging with a phone when most of my mates at that time had laptops and could afford many things. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop me; I knew that someday I’ll be able to afford the things I needed, so I kept working on my little blog. 

To make money from my blog wasn’t exactly in the picture when I started; I was just excited to see thousands of people read what I have to write on the internet. I guess that was one of the things that have kept me active in the Industry till this day while most of my mates that started this journey with me have all quit and have ventured into different other aspects of life. 

It Was all Old School: 

The lessons I got while starting were all old school and the practice of those lessons in today’s reality will take you years before you could even make your first $1,000 as a blogger. And top it all off, there were few or no platforms like this one to help point us in the right direction. 

I made mention of this in my article on how to start a blog, that most new bloggers are still locked on to the old school teachings which don’t get you far in the blogging industry. You should read that article. 

The Switch to WordPress: 

In November 2019, I switched from blogspot to WordPress. 

At this point, I thought to myself, ‘It’s time to kick it up a notch’ and also because I had gotten my own laptop then. So I bought a domain and hosted my first professional blog in 2019. Because I spent money to start this second blog, it was necessary for me to think about money and how to keep it running. 

Like I said earlier, it was all old school, so the lessons on monetization were very poor, and could take a beginner years to make a reasonable profit. Generally, the monetization strategy that was thought was just about AdSense and other similar ad networks. 

To most people, if Google doesn’t approve your blog for monetization, they feel frustrated and most of the time abandon ship. But, Luckily there are several other ways to grow a blog’s finance and I’ve spent over 5 years learning them all. 

The blogging industry has evolved greatly and If I had known what I know now then, it would have been a different story. 

Luckily for you, all my years of experience are being published here for free and you can easily make use of my knowledge to grow your own business today. 

The Decision To Review Any Software I Use: 

I’m a software guy and I can spot great software anytime any day. So, over time, I started getting so many questions about the software I use for my businesses. Most of the time, I will have to go the extra mile by showing how the software works, etc. 

So yeah, I figured my personal and professional experience can both help my audience make the best decisions and also generate funds for the business via partnerships and affiliate marketing. 

Just like I mentioned earlier, blog monetization doesn’t have to be only through Adsense. You can literally make millions of dollars via several means without even thinking of Adsense for a minute. 

Back to my Story! 

After careful planning and business model preparations, I decided to review great software while also teaching about blogging and marketing. My love for blogging lead to me starting an academy for bloggers and it’s called Pro Blogging Academy

I Want to Take a Moment and Thank You For Being Here.

If you made it this far, I appreciate the time you took to read this and deeply value every relationship I make from this blog.

I’m here for you as both a blogging guide and as a friend. I try my best to respond to every email and want to hear your story – both the good and the bad.

I want to provide a safe community where new bloggers can collaborate, provide encouragement, and work smarter. Since we’re all new bloggers, we need to band together, pick each other up, and rally together to win.

Thank you for reading!!

I hope that the story of your life brings you peace, freedom, and happiness.

Nwaeze David